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Jul 26, 2012

Best CSS Code Snippet Sites

Best CSS Code Snippet Sites
There are heavy tasks and then there is web coding. In order to facilitate the work of all those front-end web developers that visit our blog, be they professional or amateur, this week we bring you a great collection of websites offering CSS snippets, which are always welcome, and we hope you will find them useful.


On the web there are many different code repositories of web programming languages from which you can take free or licensed, but mostly free, small snippets for personal and professional use. Many are also collaborative communities that share code and discuss with others. Here is a small selection: asdfgas
  • CSS Tricks
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    CSS Tricks offer CSS code snippets but also some for HTML, HTAccess, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and Wordpress. Has a search form.
  • Snipplr
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    Snipplr is a great repository that has an advanced code snippet search.
  • Stack Overflow
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    Stackoverflow is a language-independent, collaboratively-edited question and answer site for programmers, where you can find CSS-tagged snippets.
  • Smipple
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    Smipple is a social code platform where collaborative code snippets are shared.
  • Snipt
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    More public, ready-to-use snippets for web developers.
  • Dzone
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    DZone Snippets is a public source code repository that allows you to easily build up your personal collection of code snippets, categorize them with tags/keywords, and share them with the world.
  • Joyent
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    Joyent is also a public source code repository where thousand of users tag and store useful CSS source code snippets.
  • CSS Pop
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    A beta community collection of CSS snippets. It has a sample view of the snippet in execution.

Articles from other blogs

Other blogs have already published good collections of snippets in some of their posts:

Blogs & websites about this

  • Codrops
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    Codrops is a web design and development blog that has a useful tips & tricks section.
  • Nettuts+
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    Nettuts+ is a site aimed at web developers and designers that covers HTML, CSS and others coding languages.
  • Six Revisions
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    Six Revisions is a website that publishes practical and useful articles for designers and web developers, maintained by Jacob Gube.
  • Onextrapixel
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    Onextrapixel is a leading weblog and resource site for designers and web developers.
  • David Walsh Blog
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
  • Tutorialzine
    CSS Snippets Code Sites
    Tzine is an awesome web development website with tutorials and resources.

Post cover via Joshua Hibbert