"Implementing Responsive Design" by Tim Kadlec is essential reading for the summer, and yes! it is another book about responsive web design, because responsive is not just another trend, it's how we need to build the present and the future of the web.
The book covers such common responsive issues as Media Queries, Fluid Layouts, Fluid Typography, Breakpoints, managing Media in a responsive layout. But not only does it cover these common topics in Responsive, it also helps us plan the website and adopt a responsive workflow. In Chapter 6, Tim shows us different tools and techniques to create our workflow. In Chapter 7 we learn how to determine content structure, what content to display and how to enhance it for different devices. Chapter 8 is dedicated to client-side and server-side detection methods and implementing a RESS solution. The book contains examples of HTML5 input types, geolocation and media capture APIs, how to test the speed of a network, etc..
We can also read interesting experiences of contributors who have put the responsive techniques discussed in the book into practise in their recent projects.
This Summer we've decided to take our books to the beach, swimming pool, mountain, wherever we are... and do reviews from these places. This time we have had invaluable help from our young friend Saul, trying to hold the book to take a picture and building a sand ziggurat for the scene.
We'll be more than happy to receive reviews of brand new books that you consider relevant, to share our knowledge with the community. We hope you're doing the same, and send us your summer reading pictures with your favorite cocktail in your other hand!!