Bauhaus and Vkhutemas
Honorable Mention - Dec 12, 2018
Bauhaus and Vkhutemas
How the design was born between two great wars. Explore the story of how the German Bauhaus and Soviet Vkhutemas schools developed in a detailed editorial by Readymag.
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Black Jesus from Netherlandsblackjesus.pt97898.20
Mohammad Talebkhah from Iranlinkedin.com88888.00
Clear Digital, Inc. from United Statescleardigital.com87897.80
Simon from Germany87787.50
Pavel Brek from Lithuaniabrek.design87887.70
Petar Lalošević from Serbia66776.30
Alina Rahimova from Ukrainerahimova.com77887.30
Eugen Shuklin from Ukrainethealpha.digital78777.30
Reza Khashnan from United Arab Emirateskhashnan.com55655.20
vokhmianin from Panamavokhmianin.com88877.90
Arnaud Saunier from Francemarindessables.fr77777.00
Pawel Waraksa from Polandpawelwaraksa.com87987.90
pavel kedich from Latviakedzich.com9810109.00
Agence Hypersthène from Francehypersthene.fr96887.80
Irina Nakonechnaya from Ukrainebehance.net89988.50