Blackwell has been providing structural engineering services to architects, developers and building owners for more than 20 years. They are a strong, diverse and highly respected organization focused on expertise, efficiency and beauty. These elements were the foundation for their rebranding project in honour of their 25th anniversary. Zync was tasked to create a new brand and responsive website that would represent the company’s elegance, neatness and attention to detail - key characteristics that informed the entire project. It was a rebrand that positioned them for the future while maintaining the trust of their clients and stakeholders.
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Neotokio! from Italyneotokio.it56565.25
Nicolas from Francenizuka.fr66565.75
dolcestilnuovo from Italydolcestilnuovo.com56454.90
Antoine B. from Canada88888.00
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it56675.60
AB&CO from United
I-Creativ Studio from Bulgariai-creativ.net787107.45
Jekyll from Spainjekyll.com66676.10
Dan Mindru from Denmarkmindrudan.com56565.25
Sarun Avancer from Indiadribbble.com55665.35
Chris Schnedl from Austriachrisschnedl.com67676.25
- from Switzerlandaldoferrari.com56565.25
stasura from Ukrainebehance.net77777.00
Thomas Mathey from Francethomas-mathey.fr65565.60
Alexandr Dryagin from Russianovado.ru56545.05