Geli - Goods for green
Honorable Mention - Nov 29, 2018
Geli - Goods for green
Offline in the garden. Online with Geli: the new website for Geli, a german producer and provider of items for gardening.
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Peter Dimitrov * from Italyexperts.webflow.com77676.80
Baunfire from United Statesbaunfire.com77787.10
PopArt Studio from United Statespopwebdesign.net68787.00
Adrien Vanderpotte * from Canadaavdp.xyz66666.00
Théo Rosel * from Francetheorosel.com77777.00
Gavril Perov * from France77676.80
Jade Dalloul * from Francejadeandalexis.com77766.90
Mário Rodrigues * from Portugalmariorodrigues.design77777.00
Amir Arhami * from Iranarha.me66666.00
raffael-vlt from Francedribbble.com56565.40
Clear Digital, Inc. from United Statescleardigital.com78787.40
Simon from Germany77666.70
Petar Lalošević from Serbia77777.00
Eugen Shuklin from Ukrainethealpha.digital44444.00
Alina Rahimova from Ukrainerahimova.com66776.30