Les Botanistes
Honorable Mention - Aug 27, 2020
Les Botanistes
Les Botanistes pays homage to the vegetal world. Each dish highlights locally sourced products, with plants as stars of the show.
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Abdul Wahab from Qatarabdulwahab.design99988.90
oleksiifedorov from Ukraineoleksiifedorov.com88998.30
Modern Muses™ Olga Hajjar from Canadawearemodernmuses.com10109109.80
Aleks Kirshin from Hungarymanon.design78877.50
Kate Zakladna from Ukrainebehance.net88988.20
Mark Mishkin from Ukraine88888.00
Ménissier Geoffrey from Francegeoffrey-menissier.fr108989.00
Moroz Eugene from Ukraineemoroz.space89988.50
datmaside from Ukraine88888.00
l'agence123 from Francelagence123.com88998.30
Giant Media from Australiagiantmedia.com.au87998.00
Jean-David Rhéaume from Canadaabsolu.ca109989.30