The Drop
Honorable Mention - Oct 7, 2013
The Drop
On October 31 we will launch our weapons of mass seduction. Nominate a location or cast your vote. When the time is up, 450 pairs of our sexy underwear will be air-dropped over the location with the most votes.
This website has been created using...
Votes (15/41)
Adveris from Franceadveris.fr77777.00
Konform from Denmarkkonform.com86767.25
Blocklevel from Netherlandsblocklevel.nl79877.55
Gaston Bouchayer from Francegastonbouchayer.com77766.90
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it55755.50
Maxime Bérard from Francemaximeberard.com67766.40
Ilya Kraev from Russianovado.ru99999.00
Vasiliy Podtynnikov from Russiabasiliko.tumblr.com87887.85
Mateusz Marszałek from Polandmarszalek.co791078.05
stasura from Ukrainebehance.net77777.00
Alexandr Dryagin from Russianovado.ru77676.75
Evgeniy Ryabtsev from Georgia77777.00
Chris from Denmarkgoogle.com88888.00
Andrew Jones from United Statesmetafuse.co88767.55
Kris Van Herzeele from Belgiumpixelatorz.be66876.60