Viva le velo
Honorable Mention - Jul 5, 2017
Viva le velo
Parallax are thrilled to announce the launch of Viva le Velo – a celebration of the world’s greatest bikes through the ages.
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Votes (15/74)
FV • Digital Creative Agency from Italyfilippovezzali.com67987.10
Laurent Canivet from Francelesanimals.digital89888.30
Antoine Pelgrand Kostadinoff from Netherlandsapkparis.com89888.30
Palazzina Creativa from Italypalazzinacreativa.it87887.70
Hesam Bayat from Armeniapixudio.com1010101010.00
Dingzhou Li from Chinadribbble.com66655.90
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com87787.50
Michael Bernard from Francemichaelbernard.fr98878.30
Opryshko Bohdan from Ukraine1010101010.00
Alessandro Soho from United Kingdom66776.30
laura-moss from United Kingdom88787.80
Simon from Germany76866.80
sveta-mylchenko from Ukraine87777.40
Igor Zyuzin from Russia988108.60
matchthemes from Australiamatchthemes.com77777.00