Your everyday drive
Honorable Mention - Jan 28, 2013
Your everyday drive
The Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid website takes viewers on a personalised journey to discover how electric and petrol hybrid technology can make a real difference to our everyday drive. Using the latest Google Chrome technology the captivating experience asks visitors to input an everyday journey of their choosing. It then creates a simulation of their route by cleverly stitching Google Streetview and Maps information together whilst simultaneously calculating fuel economy, CO2 emissions and range statistics.
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Votes (15/71)
Neotokio! from Italyneotokio.it87988.10
Nicolas from Francenizuka.fr76887.20
Gaston Bouchayer from Francegastonbouchayer.com67876.75
Fábio Azevedo from Portugalicantcontrolmyego.net79987.90
Paolo Sordi from Italywebsolute.it879108.30
AB&CO from United
aleskrivec from Sloveniapremiumcoding.com89798.00
Tomasz Błokowski from Polandgraviomedia.com99888.65
Dan Mindru from Denmarkmindrudan.com88988.25
Ilya Kraev from Russianovado.ru89898.25
Alexia Khokhlov from Russia78887.50
Mateusz Marszałek from Polandmarszalek.co1010101010.00
Sarun Avancer from Indiadribbble.com67786.60
Chris Schnedl from Austriachrisschnedl.com66666.00
Marcus Griffen from United Statesmarcusgriffen.com881088.50