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Apr 11, 2017

Talk: Paul Boag on The User Experience Revolution at Awwwards Conference London

Talk: Paul Boag on The User Experience Revolution at Awwwards Conference London

The leader of the UX Revolution has made himself known! On day 2 of our digital thinkers event, Awwwards Conference London, User Experience and Digital Transformation Consultant and presenter of the conference Paul Boag, took to the stage in front of the best Art Directors and Company Founders in digital design to shed a light on how by making fundamental changes in the way you work, you can change your company. He gives us tips on practical ways to bring about change, such as open usability tests and explains how design and great user experience can help fulfil all a company's needs.

Culture, leadership and employee engagement is essential to creating great customer experiences, to adopting to design thinking and to changing things.

Be there for live inspirational talks and networking with the most exciting agencies across the world, get your tickets for Awwwards Conference LA today!

Live the experience! Watch the Awwwards London video here.