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Apr 27, 2017

Talk: The Digital Transformation of Healthcare - Nicki Sprinz at Awwwards Conference London

Talk: The Digital Transformation of Healthcare - Nicki Sprinz at Awwwards Conference London

Thought-provoking and inspirational talks on a wide range of themes were given by top digital design professionals during the 2-day Awwwards Conference London. Here Nicki Sprinz - Business Director at ustwo, Co-founder of Adaslist and part of the Mood Notes team talks about her digital product studio, why collaborations are key, and inevitable future digital transformations to the health service.

With large complex healthcare systems the reality is digital transformation is going to happen, it can't not happen, we're all looking at it as an opportunity.

To hear more from Nicki follow her on twitter here.

Be there for live inspirational talks and networking with the most exciting agencies across the world, get your tickets for Awwwards Conference LA today!

Live the experience! Watch the Awwwards London video here.