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The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month

Dec 19, 2011

25 Non-profit and Social-Driven Websites

25 Non-profit and Social-Driven Websites

Due to its purpose and audience, social-driven websites have to follow a series of rules when it comes to their design. 

They tend to be very focused on content, often with a lot of text, so good organization and usability are a must for them. Non-profit organizations usually have a limited budget, that leads them to compromise the design of their websites. However, an attractive website is crucial for the interest of these organizations.

In this post we´ve compiled 25 non-profit organizations and social-driven websites that work as a perfect example of how effective design can make a huge difference on how we perceive a cause or organization.

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