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Apr 18, 2012

30 Interesting Twitter Accounts for Developers

30 Interesting Twitter Accounts for Developers

Last week we recommended 30 interesting Twitter accounts for web designers to follow , this week we're focusing on developers. The little blue bird network could be a great source of information and resources for the code guys (and girls), too. Today we suggest 30 Twitter accounts that may be interesting to follow if you're a web developer. Enjoy them and share your favourites in the comments section.

  • Codrops


    Codrops is dedicated to providing useful tutorials, insightful articles, creative inspiration and free resources for web designers and developers.

  • Paul Andrew


    Speckyboy Design Magazine is a web and graphic design blog run by Paul Andrew.

  • Breaking Development


    Mobile Web Design, Development, UI/UX.

  • Responsive Design


    This is where Ethan Marcotte (@beep) curates link-y things about responsive design.

  • Webdesigner Depot


    Webdesigner Depot is one of the most popular blogs about web design trends, tutorials and much more. It's run by Walter Apai, a web designer from Vancouver.

  • Web Design Ledger


    The Web Design Ledger is a publication written by web designers for web designers.

  • John Resig


    Creator of jQuery, JavaScript programmer, blogger, author, work on Khan Academy.

  • .net Magazine


    The world's best-selling magazine for web designers and developers since 1994. We like kittens, too.

  • thinkvitamin


    Think Vitamin is Carsonified's blog for web designers, developers and entrepreneurs

  • CSS3


    Everything you need to know about CSS3. News, previews, tutorials and more.

  • HTML5


    Staging the plaguing of the raised platform.

  • Use jQuery


    Interesting tweets about the latest and greatest about jQuery.

  • Hakim El Hattab


    Creative JavaScript coder and CSS tweaker Lead Interactive Developer at Qwiki.

  • Molly E. Holzschlag


    Molly E. Holzschlag, AKA "mollydotcom", is an author, teacher and Open Web Evangelist.

  • Christian Heilmann


    Mozilla Developer Evangelist - all things open web, HTML5, writing and working together. Portfolio.