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Oct 18, 2011

40 Websites with Fixed Navigation

40 Websites with Fixed Navigation
Navigation is key to guide the readers through the content of a website and help them find what they're looking for. An effective and useful navigation must be accesible, clear and intuitive. For long websites with a lot of content like blogs, a fixed or sticky navigation system can be the best option. Fixed elements in a website are positioned relatively to the browser window instead of the page itself. When users scroll down in a website with fixed elements, those elements stay in their place while the rest of the content moves. Fixed navigation doesn't force the viewer to scroll back up when they want to navigate the rest of the site. However, a designer must take into account that a fixed navigation menu will take a permanent place in the screen, leaving less space for other content. In this post we've compiled 40 creative and beautiful examples of websites with fixed navigation. Enjoy them!