6 lessons (5 Hours)
Audio: English -
English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese
course included in the creative pass
Finding Clients
User Experience Strategist
full creative pass
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If you are reliant on word of mouth recommendations and clients coming to you, then you need this course. Personal recommendations are great, but if the phone stops ringing, you need a way to generate new business. This course gives you the process to make that happen.
Category | Course format | Language | Duration | Level |
Marketing, Productivity | Online | English with Subt. | 5 Hours | Beginner, Intermediate and Professional |
There are no pre-requisites or requirements for this course. This course is designed for any business owner who is juggling sales with getting the work done.
Those who run small digital agencies or are freelancers have a constant juggling act to perform. On the one hand, they have to deliver on the current project, while at the same time find a client for the next one.
With project work paying the bills, they cannot afford to spend too long on sales and marketing. However, without investing in those areas, the work can dry up, and they never have the opportunity to find better clients.
This course is specifically designed for those in this situation. It introduces you to a robust marketing strategy that takes minimum effort to set up and even less effort to maintain.
You will learn
- Why you are struggling to find clients?
- How to define your market
- Methods to attract the attention of prospective clients
- Ways to get permission from people to communicate with them regularly
- Approaches to maintain contact with your audience
- Techniques for turning leads into proposals.
The course includes
- Over four hours of teaching material
- Course Documentation
- Example client communications
- Useful links and resources
- Certificate of completion
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this course
Course Content
Explore Every
Course Chapter
Lesson 1Why Are You Struggling to Find Clients?
The common mistakes made by agencies and freelancers
What is a sales funnel and why you need one
Lesson 2Defining Your Market
Why you need to segment your market
How to identify possible sectors
Research your sectors and pick a winner
Identifying your initial contact points
Lesson 3Attracting Attention
How to plan an effective attention strategy
Deciding on the scope of Your Sector Report
Preparing Your Sector Survey
Creating your survey landing page
Preparing and Sending Your Survey Email
Using site audits to encourage a response
Compiling a sector-wide expert report
Lesson 4Getting Permission to Communicate
Why and how to gain permission to communicate
Designing a landing page that encourages permission
Crafting an email course
Email our audience about the report
Reach out to influencers
Reusing all of your hard work
Automatically Promoting Your Course With Social Media
Lesson 5Maintaining and Growing Your Audience
Planning your regular mailings
How to come up with email topics
Finding your voice
Turning subscribers into advocates
Growing Your List
Making Your List Appropriate to a wider audience
Take your marketing to the next level
Lesson 6Turning a Lead into a Proposal
How to engage with a new lead
Get organised with your leads
Where to go next
Meet the teacher
Paul Boag
Paul Boag has been working in digital for 25 years. In that time he has gone from designing websites for chicken incinerator factories (true story) to consulting for international brands like PUMA, UNICEF and GlaxoSmithKline.He built an international reputation and brought in enough work to grow an agency from 3 founders to over 20 people, before becoming an independent consultant.
Course Content
There are no pre-requisites or requirements for this course. This course is designed for any business owner who is juggling sales with getting the work done.
Those who run small digital agencies or are freelancers have a constant juggling act to perform. On the one hand, they have to deliver on the current project, while at the same time find a client for the next one.
With project work paying the bills, they cannot afford to spend too long on sales and marketing. However, without investing in those areas, the work can dry up, and they never have the opportunity to find better clients.
This course is specifically designed for those in this situation. It introduces you to a robust marketing strategy that takes minimum effort to set up and even less effort to maintain.
You will learn
- Why you are struggling to find clients?
- How to define your market
- Methods to attract the attention of prospective clients
- Ways to get permission from people to communicate with them regularly
- Approaches to maintain contact with your audience
- Techniques for turning leads into proposals.
The course includes
- Over four hours of teaching material
- Course Documentation
- Example client communications
- Useful links and resources
- Certificate of completion
- English
- English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese (Machine translation)
- Beginner, Intermediate and Professional
- Access on mobile and Desktop
- Full time access
- Certificate of completion
Paul Boag
Teacher at awwwards.com
If you have any questions about this course, please contact us