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Nov 7, 2012

Awwwards at Future of Web Apps London 2012

Awwwards at Future of Web Apps London 2012

I was recently lucky enough to represent Awwwards at the much-anticipated 2012 edition of Future of Web Apps, hosted by Future Insights. When I arrived on Day 1 to find a sumptuous breakfast laid on, something told me I was going to have an enjoyable two days...

The conference brought together engaging speakers from different professional backgrounds, presenting on current topics related to the three conference tracks: Web Apps, Mobile and Business. With a wide range of fields and specializations catered for, there was something to learn for everyone, from the amateur to the most battle-scarred veteran.

There were some fantastic highlights. We rolled our eyes in recognition at Jeffrey Zeldman’s examples of classic anti-user sites. I scribbled frantic notes as Drew McLellan shared some of the wisdom gleaned from launching content management system Perch with a team of just two. And we rolled in the aisles as Paul Boag shared his invaluable tips on marketing without being a Douchebag Marketeer. I could go on, but if you missed the conference it would only make you jealous...

The extra activities were also well worth checking out, from the fast and furious App it Out! contest to panel discussions and chatting with fellow attendees during the breaks. Not to mention the amazing food.

Given half a chance, I’ll definitely be back next year...

Did you go to Future of Web Apps 2012? Share your experience in a comment.