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Apr 27, 2015

Awwwards Conference 2015 - "Responsive Typography" by Marko Dugonjic

Awwwards Conference 2015 - "Responsive Typography" by Marko Dugonjic

Marko Dugonjić is a designer, speaker and author based in Velika Gorica, Croatia. Founder of Creative Nights, a design consultancy specialized in user experience design, typography and web standards, he improves customers’ digital experiences for international clients. He's also an editor at Smashing Magazine and the co-author of the Smashing Book 4.

In his talk "Responsive Typography", Marco showed us how to resolve typography issues in responsive projects and specially in mobile devices. He introduced us to concepts and techniques that will help us understand and solve problems such as vertical rhythm, pixel density, reading distance, line height, information density, etc.

If you are a typography lover you'll want to follow him in twitter @markodugonjic

Check the slides he used