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Mar 10, 2016

Bart Van De Wiele Wows the Crowds with Adobe’s Experience Design XD

Bart Van De Wiele Wows the Crowds with Adobe’s Experience Design XD

One of the highlights of the Awwwards Conference Amsterdam was undoubtedly Bart Van De Wiele’s highly anticipated live preview of Adobe’s Design Future: Project Comet, renamed as Adobe XD ("Experience Design"). The UX talk sparked off a flurry of excited activity on twitter and was the most tweeted about moment of the conference.

we tried to build this program with this in mind, design at the speed of thought.

Adobe, sponsors of the event, are introducing Adobe XD as an all- in-one solution, a cross platform-app which allows you to do wireframing, visual design, interaction design, prototyping, previewing and sharing.

For more Adobe news you can follow Bart Van De Wiele on twitter @BartvdWiele

You can see his slides here: Project Comet (now Adobe XD)