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Dec 5, 2013

Christmas-themed Graphic Resources and Christmas Card Freebies

Christmas-themed Graphic Resources and Christmas Card Freebies

We imagine you're getting ready to send holiday greetings to your most loyal clients, or adding a Christmassy touch to your website. We imagine you've also discovered creating Christmas chic is no easy task. Who could blame you for opting for a happy reindeer, a jolly snowman, or some other cheesy Christmas icon?

Christmas is a lovely time time of year, but let's be honest - Santa is not cool, nor is he responsive. Santa doesn't fit into an interface, no matter how skeuomorphic it might be. At Awwwards we want to help you with the difficult task of finding original material with which to work creatively. That's why, throughout early December, we will be publishing a series of Christmas-focused posts with graphic resources for you to download, such as: inspiring Christmas card fonts, and Christmas messages from ad design and digital agencies.

Don't forget to visit Free 20 Customizable Flat Style Christmas Cards from Freepik

Here comes the first installment: graphic resources, icons, fonts, textures, patterns, and brushes.