Feb 28, 2013
Do you know Society6? Get an Awesome iPhone Case Featuring their Artists' Work
If you are part of the world of design you may well know it, and if you don’t you need to do something about it: we’re talking about Society6, one of the largest and most active communities of artists in the world. Through its website and social networks Society6 aims to allow artists from different disciplines to sell their artwork to any customer anywhere, in a considerable variety of products. Of course, they maintain control of their own copyrights.
When was Society6 started?
Society6 was born over a sandwich in early 2009. The idea was simple, create as many opportunities as possible for the world’s artists. We finally grew tired of seeing so many incredibly talented people (mostly friends) go without exposure for their work. We also noticed that artists and creative people in general were having to make too many sacrifices to make ends meet, and that they were undermining the quality and value of their own work.

Today, Society6 empowers one of the most active, international artist communities in the world to make their artwork immediately available for sale as a variety of products – without giving up control of their rights. We believe that the artistic process is just as important as the end result and that artwork should be made accessible to anyone anywhere in the world.