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Mar 3, 2016

Free e-Book: Web UI Patterns 2016 (Volume 1)

Free e-Book: Web UI Patterns 2016 (Volume 1)

Web UI Patterns 2016 (Vol. 1) spans 144 pages, explaining how to use today’s effective UI patterns based on 142 hand-picked examples.

The guide compiles 37 useful UI patterns, each with an explanation, best practices, and 3-4 examples from some of the most successful sites, many from Alexa’s top 100.

This free ebook analyzes the UI patterns that Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, the NY Times, and many, many more use to create cohesive and intuitive interfaces.

Created by the design team at UXPin, the first volume explains a practical framework for choosing the right pattern, then dives into the categories below. Each pattern is described in a problem/solution format:

  1. Collecting Input — tactics for how users enter data, and how to avoid or prevent user errors before they start.
  2. Controls — how to present controls so that the user knows where they are and how they work, even during their first visit.
  3. Navigation & Wayfinding — IA strategies for getting users to where they want to go, or suggesting where you want them to go.
  4. Layout Styles — different options for how to layout the elements on a page, customizable to the style of the product.

This guide is easy to understand and acts as a practical visual reference. Take a look and feel free to share if you find it useful.

Download this free ebook now. ux pin awwwards ui book