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Jan 28, 2013

Geo a Day: a Visual Daily Inspirational Exercise to Explore Shapes and Forms

Geo a Day: a Visual Daily Inspirational Exercise to Explore Shapes and Forms

Geo A Day is a visual project about illustration and design inspired by geometry, a daily exercise to explore shapes and forms from the two great designers Jeremiah Shaw and Danny Jones.

In their collaborative Tumblr they fill the site each day with impressive everyday forms in an exercise in inspiration, skill and love of the straight line. Their use of 3D technology, the play of light and shadows and the use of textures give their creations a magnificent appearance both in their sometimes abstract forms and their scenes and landscapes.

A special thing about this project is that you can send them technical questions about the creation of any of the illustrations. You can do this from the section “Ask us anything”. The answers can be read on each image, the result being an interesting interaction with the user.

Geo a Day geometric excercises: