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Sep 18, 2013

Grand Designs for Small Workspaces: The freelancer’s dream office

Grand Designs for Small Workspaces: The freelancer’s dream office

Nowadays you don’t need to be a huge agency with a state-of-the-art, no-expense-spared office to show off your creative side. These days we come across freelance designers who have created their workspace / sanctuary with relatively limited resources and have achieved the same result.

I wonder if you remember any of the imaginative entries we received to out Creative Spaces competition. Many of them owed their look to simple, low-cost decor, yet at the same time we were surprised at the eccentricity of others. Whatever the style, they all went to show that brilliance can still be transmitted despite the resources or the space available to us.

Today, we present a selection of workspaces for the inspiration seekers among you about to set out to redecorate and rejuvenate of your office. Sometimes, even the simplest of elements, like those in this article Cool Gifts and Office Products for Web Designers & Geeks, can provide the greatest transformation.

Source: Pinterest