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Apr 6, 2016

Hello Awwwards: Agency life in Syros, Greece

Hello Awwwards: Agency life in Syros, Greece

Until Sunday is an Italian agency but a few years ago we decided to move from the big city to Syros, a small island in Greece. Surrounded by the sea, warmed by the sun, our days move fast between meetings and deadlines, new projects, cups of tea and walks around the old town.

Until Sunday Office, Syros, Greece - 9:30
Until Sunday
You can’t speak to me if I haven’t had a sip from my cup of green tea and a bite of a warm stroopwafel. Spiros is more traditional and prefers his Italian coffee brewed to perfection. Our office cupboard is always full of sweets of all kinds: it is our "cabinet of wonders" with chocolates and biscuits from all around Europe. Our clients and friends generally help us to keep it well stocked.
Tea Time - 09:45
Until Sunday
We discovered a while back that we are more focused if we dedicate the few first hours of the day to creative thinking, sketching and brainstorming.
Working - 10:30
Until Sunday Until Sunday
We also hold meetings with our clients in the morning when our brains are still fresh and full of ideas. Sometimes our cat Kissa joins our meetings, even though he finds supervising Spiros’ work far more rewarding...
After 3 hours of work and 2 cups of tea
Until Sunday
Some people think that lunch is a waste of time. Why sit around a table when I can eat my sandwich in front of my computer answering my emails at the same time?
Lunch, at home - 13:00
Until Sunday
To Italians, lunch is sacred! What’s more you need to feed your brain if you want to work well for another 3 hours! We turn lunch into a creative process too! Since the office is a stone’s -throw away from our house, cooking is how we hone our skills related to color, composition and rhythm. But when the sun is high and the sky is blue, it is difficult not to give in to temptation and take off on our Vespa or bike!
Discovering the island - 15:00
Until Sunday Until Sunday
Although the island is small, we always discover curious and hidden details that we hadn’t noticed before. What we find extremely interesting is the combination of colors, architectural details, rhythm and contrasts, daily scenes with cats (our island is full of them) and of course typography.
Until Sunday Until Sunday
After our walk we go back to our office re-energised! We feel inspired and motivated.
Back to the office - 16:00
Until Sunday Until Sunday Until Sunday
This is when our creativity fully peaks! We work almost non-stop for another 3 hours.
After 6 hours of work and 5 cups of tea
Until Sunday
We have recently adopted the Swedish system of working 6 hours per day. Sometimes, when we are facing important deadlines, we extend it to 8 hours. However it is around 6pm in the afternoon that we start to wrap up our working day. We complete and check our to-do list and evaluate our performance. It is a “self-evaluation” based on how many people (clients included) we made happy and how much we were able to achieve that day.
Agenda - 17:00
Until Sunday
On Friday we count how many smiling faces we have on our agenda and consider what we could do better next week. We also dedicate the last part of the day to answering the latest emails and then plan ahead for our next day.
Side Projects - 18:00
Until Sunday
We usually complete our day by working on our side project, The Pattern Tales. We pack all new orders and prepare them for shipping.

Until Sunday

@UntilSun is a design firm focused on branding and visual communication. Founded in 2012, our studio is known for its inspirational and intriguing design work that combines original solutions with meaningful communication. In a world that is constantly changing, our studio firmly believes that the power of storytelling is the best way to capture the audience’s attention and transcend temporary trends.

We develop beautiful, authentic stories in close collaboration with our clients. From a basic touch point to a more complex identity system, our main goal is to create memorable brands that delight both us and our customers.