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Nov 12, 2015

Interview with Tobias van Schneider, former Design Lead at Spotify

Interview with Tobias van Schneider, former Design Lead at Spotify

Tobias van Schneider is an award-winning, German designer raised in Austria & currently living in New York City. Former Lead Product Designer & Art Director at Spotify, Tobias inspires us to have side-projects no matter how stupid they may sound. He also founded Semplice and at the same time serves on the AIGA Board of Directors in New York.

He has had the privilege of working with companies such as Red Bull, BMW, Google, Wacom, Sony, Toyota, Ralph Lauren, Bwin & more.

His work has been featured and written about in highly acclaimed press such as .net Magazine, Computer Arts, FastCompany, Wired, Inc Magazine, FirstRound Capital, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, BusinessInsider & many others.

Follow him on twitter @schneidertobias and check out his portfolio in our Directory