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Aug 10, 2018

Talk: Product Designer at Netflix, Navin Iyengar - Experimental Thinking, Design Like a Scientist

Talk: Product Designer at Netflix,  Navin Iyengar - Experimental Thinking, Design Like a Scientist

Product Designer at Netflix, Navin Iyengar tells us about how Netflix applies experimental thinking to design using A/B testing, how to design like a scientist, and how constant iteration is building and moving the product forward, at Awwwards Conference San Francsico.

We founded the idea of thinking of our work as if it were a series of experiments, it really frees up our thinking and allows us to try more innovative ideas, crazy ideas, and maybe even stupid ideas - but in a small scale contained way first, to really understand what the effects are of what we're doing, before we invest in building that at scale for 125 million Netflix customers.

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Next stop - awwwards Conference New York November 15th & 16th 2018, digital designers network and learn key tools from visionaries and leading agencies about current trends and emerging web technologies, tickets on sale now!