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Meet The Creeps

Get ready for a spooky adventure with Perfetti van Melle's Meet the Creeps! This immersive webAR Halloween campaign is a blend of technology and creativity, designed to transport you to a world filled with haunting creatures and eerie surprises.

Built using the cutting-edge 8thWall platform, Meet the Creeps offers an accessible and interactive experience that seamlessly blends the real world with the virtual world. With just a smartphone, you can step into the creepy village via a digital portal.

Experience the power of web augmented reality with Meet the Creeps. Whether you're a Halloween fanatic or just looking for a fun and engaging way to get into the spooky spirit, this campaign is an experience you won't want to miss. So come and meet the creeps, if you dare!

Project Details

  • Animation
  • 360
  • 3D