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Oct 2, 2013

Responsive Typography: A Roundup of the Best Articles and Tutorials

Responsive Typography: A Roundup of the Best Articles and Tutorials

Everything changes. But the internet is one of the fastest changing things in the world. It is mobile now, not static. That's why the topic of RWD (responsive web design) is so varied.

The main treasure of every website is its content. In one well-known article, it is says that web design is 95% typography. I think that responsive web design is 99% typography, at least.

Responsive typography is something new for developers and there is no one way to create it. Today's collection will familiarize you with responsive typography and show how to deal with it. Here you'll find information how to choose font size and line height for your text, how to deal with typography for iPhones, iPads, and desktop computers, you'll see some cool responsive typography experiments and learn new techniques. Everything is explained; even for the newbies :) Enjoy!