60 Below Zero
Honorable Mention - Aug 10, 2021
60 Below Zero
60B0 is the way we feel our passion, the sea. The point of origin of a journey where wild fish is captured and frozen on open waters to be distributed worldwide. Mediterranean Based.
Keep the focus in
these elements.
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Druhin Tarafder * from Indiadruh.in76766.60
Jordy Arntz * from Netherlandsjordyarntz.com76876.90
Anjelika Petrova from Turkey77887.30
TheRoom. Design Boutique from Ukrainetheroom.boutique981098.90
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Anton Shamatulski from Belarusredocean.pro77777.00
maria-datsenka from Ecuador77777.00
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Reza Khashnan from United Arab Emirateskhashnan.com78787.40
Moroz Eugene from Ukraineemoroz.space87887.70
Webgamma from Canadawebgamma.ca9107109.00
AthenaStudio from Turkey1.envato.market77887.30