Ayzd.com - NFT Analytics
Honorable Mention - Oct 1, 2021
Ayzd.com - NFT Analytics
Landing page for the NFT Analytics tool. Ayzd helps you to learn about the NFT projects. Biggest NFT project database, live news feed, top collections, powerful analytics, and more.
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PopArt Studio from United Statespopwebdesign.net98888.40
Charles * from Indonesiachrls.design86777.10
Romain Penchenat * from Franceromainpenchenat.com68787.00
Nuno Pereira Sousa * from Portugalnunops.com76676.50
Jordy Arntz * from Netherlandsjordyarntz.com77777.00
Erwan Le Roch * from Francedribbble.com56565.40
Oleg Kulik * from Ukrainebehance.net67786.70
Serhii Polyvanyi from Ukrainedribbble.com88787.80
Visualmodo WordPress Themes from Brazilvisualmodo.com109889.10
Anjelika Petrova from Turkey87887.70
TheRoom. Design Boutique from Ukrainetheroom.boutique98998.70
Dddkit from Canadadddkit.com99878.60
Dmitry Kiselev from Russiabehance.net77777.00
Madekina Evgenia from Georgiamadekina.ru88888.00
Reza Khashnan from United Arab Emirateskhashnan.com98788.20