Baps Patil • Designer • Artist
I helps businesses & solopreneurs build trust with their audience from the ground up and drive business outcomes, through brand strategy, brand identity design and 3D / motion art.
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Votes (15/36)
Reksa Andhika * from Indonesiareksaandhika.com67776.60
PopArt Studio from United Statespopwebdesign.net88888.00
Enrico Deiana * from Spainenricodeiana.design55544.90
Roman Salo * from Ukrainedribbble.com57766.10
ministry * from Polandministrydesign.agency67576.20
Romain Penchenat * from Franceromainpenchenat.com78787.40
Mohnish Landge * from Indiamohnishlandge.com77676.80
Druhin Tarafder * from Indiadruh.in46554.90
Harold AO * from Franceharoldao.com46565.00
Nuno Pereira Sousa * from Portugalnunops.com67676.40
Jopecuro I Designer & Marketer * from Portugaljopecuro.com77777.00
Oleg Kulik * from Ukrainebehance.net77766.90
Denis Sizemov * from Ukrainesizemov.com56555.30
Erwan Le Roch * from Francedribbble.com66766.20
Anjelika Petrova from Turkey78787.40