Bosch AR
Honorable Mention - May 14, 2020
Bosch AR
Bring some incredible characters from Hieronymus Bosch paintings into the world around you! An R&D experiment, made with Roll Studio, using cutting-edge AR technology and beautiful 3d character design.
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Zajno from United Stateszajno.com77787.10
UPQODE from United Statesupqode.com88988.20
Léo Mouraire * from Franceleomouraire.com77877.20
Kalok Yeung * from Netherlandskalokyeung.com67766.50
Gavril Perov * from France88888.00
Gosha Khidzhakadze * from Georgialab-teal.vercel.app78677.10
Will Beeching * from United Kingdomtogether.agency87777.40
djumla GmbH * from Germanydjumla.de75886.70
Jopecuro I Designer & Marketer * from Portugaljopecuro.com66776.30
Becomes * from Serbiabecomes.co77787.10
Oleg Kulik * from Ukrainebehance.net76866.80
Pavlo Tymoshenko from Ukrainepash.website76776.70
Aleks Kirshin from Hungarymanon.design78677.10
Jorge Maiden from Spainbufa.es77867.10
Vadim Khadakou from Lithuaniabitsens.com76866.80