Care England Membership Login
Care England is the leading representative body for small, medium and large Care Providers in England. After managing their site using an older system, with an outdated design, they asked Molokini for help to bring their website and identity up to modern standards. We engaged early with their team to get an understanding of their content and its importance to their members. Their existing site had grown large and had become difficult to navigate. It became immediately clear that content discovery was an important factor, so we worked with them to help establish a foundation for tags and categories to help structure their content. One feature we are particularly proud of is the Custom members area. Our plan was to keep members engaged on the site for longer so that Care England could keep membership retention at a consistent level. We did this by encouraging members to take ownership of their content, through favourites and curation. From a design point of view, we treated their existing identity with care but still provided a well-needed refresh to their main "mark". We echoed the brand colours throughout the site and tweaked them slightly to reflect the logged-in state of a user. The overall experience now is a more organised and practical one, which simplifies the effort needed to find content.
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Votes (15/21)
Reksa Andhika * from Indonesiareksaandhika.com66676.10
Félix Hieronimus * from Francefelixhieronimus.com66666.00
Charles * from Indonesiachrls.design46464.80
Denis Sizemov * from Ukrainesizemov.com55555.00
Erwan Le Roch * from Francedribbble.com66666.00
Mattia Rinaudo * from Italybehance.net66666.00
Oleg Kulik * from Ukrainebehance.net65665.70
webgallerysubmission from Indiawebgallerysubmission.com89898.40
Elizaveta Rypakova from Russiainstagram.com77777.00
louis bocquet * from Francelouisboc.com44444.00
Narmina Aghayeva * from Azerbaijannargayeva.com67656.20
Jan * from Polandjanostrowka.com44444.00
Allard * from Netherlandsallardveneman.nl54544.60
Brian Stefans * from Indonesiabrianstefans.com66666.00
Enrico Deiana * from Spainenricodeiana.design66565.80