Haute École de Joaillerie
Honorable Mention - Nov 28, 2018
Haute École de Joaillerie
Most prestigious jewellery institution in the world, founded in 1867 by the profession. Its filial tie with the profession makes it one of the pillars in passing on French know-how.
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Martijn van Meijel * from Netherlandsmartijnvanmeijel.com67676.40
Mohammad Talebkhah from Iranlinkedin.com77676.80
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com99999.00
laura-moss from United Kingdom66666.00
Simon from Germany76666.40
Julien Ledru from France88888.00
Petar Lalošević from Serbia77676.80
Alina Rahimova from Ukrainerahimova.com55665.30
Eugen Shuklin from Ukrainethealpha.digital66666.00
Marcel from Czech Republic88888.00
vokhmianin from Panamavokhmianin.com77777.00
Arnaud Saunier from Francemarindessables.fr77787.10
Irina Nakonechnaya from Ukrainebehance.net67676.40
Evgeniya Savenkova from Russiaevgeniyasavenkova.com77777.00
Alexey Matveev from Russiadribbble.com87787.50