IKEA - Where Good Days Start
Honorable Mention - Nov 12, 2014
IKEA - Where Good Days Start
Where Good Days Start is the first IKEA Catalogue that can be explored through a story, and stars a typical Scandinavian family and their morning routine. It’s an interactive online film featuring the highlights from the renewed Bed & Bathroom collection. The film is loaded with ‘hidden’ possibilities – extra scenes and content that can be discovered by interacting with the story. With this score of extra content, you can diverge from the main storyline at any point during the film to learn more about the featured family members and products in short, interactive scenes.
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Julien Renau from United Statesjulienrenau.com99999.00
Adveris from Franceadveris.fr77777.00
FV • Digital Creative Agency from Italyfilippovezzali.com76977.10
Pascal van der Haar from Australiabehance.net979108.50
Tomer Lerner from Israeltomerlerner.com76887.00
SensioGrey from Francesensiogrey.com87887.70
Filippo Spiezia from Italyfilippospiezia.com88888.00
August from Australiaaugust.com.au75886.70
Ilya Kraev from Russianovado.ru78787.40
metrothemes from United Statesmetrothemes.me77777.00
soppo studio from Polandsoppo.pl77777.00
Laetitia Lyne Prn77787.10
Luke Boobyer from United Kingdomlsbwebdesign.co.uk75866.50
Coldwaits from United Kingdomawwwards.com77877.20
calabanzas from United States88988.20