JCDecaux LDN Digital Network
JCDecaux, the world’s largest and UK’s number one outdoor advertising company, commissioned us to build a dedicated website for their London Digital Network (LDN) campaign as they took over the world’s largest bus shelter advertising concession in London. We created an engaging and easy-to-use web application that showcases the data from different Retail Zones around London, lets advertisers create their own example targeted advertising campaigns and also allows the user to explore London through an astonishingly vivid ‘gigapixel’ 360 degree panoramic photograph.
This website was built with...
Votes (15/50)
Lime Creative from Greecelimecreative.gr65665.70
Alex Engzell from Netherlandsengzell.me55555.00
Adwyse & Co. from Germanyadwyse.de77777.00
Black Jesus from Netherlandsblackjesus.pt65675.80
artversion from United Statesartversion.com77777.00
Blue Fountain Media from United Statesbluefountainmedia.com67666.30
Amir Arhami from Iranarha.me55555.00
ICREA design studio from Russiaicrea.ru76676.50
Dingzhou Li from Chinadribbble.com65555.40
metrothemes from United Statesmetrothemes.me77777.00
FLAMIX from Ukraineflamix.software88888.00
Marco Vincit from Brazilmarcovincit.com68787.00
Michael Bernard from Francemichaelbernard.fr77777.00
Lawrence Giordano99999.00
keyrvinous from Philippines88888.00