NAB - Yourself
Honorable Mention - Oct 8, 2018
NAB - Yourself
We created an interactive, voice-activated experience to help people start to reflect on what they really want in life, because when you know what you want, that’s when NAB can help.
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Votes (15/49)
Adrien Vanderpotte * from Canadaavdp.xyz78887.60
Grégoire Mielle * from Francegreeeg.com66666.00
Romain PSD * from Franceromainpsd.com66876.50
Adrien Laurent * from Franceadrienlaurent.fr66666.00
Gautier Maillard * from Francegautiermaillard.com66666.00
Martijn van Meijel * from Netherlandsmartijnvanmeijel.com56565.40
Théo Rosel * from Francetheorosel.com67656.20
Gavril Perov * from France65665.70
Jade Dalloul * from Francejadeandalexis.com77676.80
Vladimir Krajcovic * from Slovakianaum.studio66766.20
Mário Rodrigues * from Portugalmariorodrigues.design56665.60
Quadnotion from Indiaquadnotion.com77787.10
Clear Digital, Inc. from United Statescleardigital.com88888.00
Eugen Shuklin from Ukrainethealpha.digital78777.30
vokhmianin from Panamavokhmianin.com77777.00