Projects of the year 2020
Honorable Mention - Dec 14, 2020
Projects of the year 2020
Celebrating the best web projects of 2020, this collection will let you stroll through some great sites by categories: editorials, events, promo pages and portfolios.
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Votes (15/51)
Zajno from United Stateszajno.com98988.60
UPQODE from United Statesupqode.com89988.50
PopArt Studio from United Statespopwebdesign.net88888.00
oleksiifedorov from Ukraineoleksiifedorov.com77787.10
Alex Tkachev * from Kazakhstanalextkachev.com77777.00
Matin Nikookar * from Japanmatin.dev67876.80
Druhin Tarafder * from Indiadruh.in77797.20
Becomes * from Serbiabecomes.co78897.70
Félix Hieronimus from Francefelixhieronimus.com68797.10
Aleks Kirshin from Hungarymanon.design89788.10
Visualmodo WordPress Themes from Brazilvisualmodo.com109889.10
Amarta Dey from Indiaamartadey.com98998.70
M.Evstratova from Russia991099.20
wahabali from Pakistanwahabali.com98898.50
Marcel from Czech Republic98988.60