Sounds Like You
Honorable Mention - Apr 12, 2018
Sounds Like You
Sounds Like You leverages Pandora’s proprietary Music Genome data and facial analysis technology to power a first-of-its kind unique personalized music experience.
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Fleava from Indonesiafleava.com88877.90
Kornilov Slava from United Statesdribbble.com1010101010.00
Nerds & Company from Netherlandsnerds.company87987.90
Visualmodo WordPress Themes from Brazilvisualmodo.com88998.30
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com88888.00
Mohammad Javad Mashhadi from Iranlinkedin.com76876.90
Vitaly Kalmuk from Russia99999.00
Vijay Kumar Tg from India88787.80
Simon from Germany87777.40
24 pixels from India87877.60
Olesia Kuliesh from Ukrainebehance.net76876.90
Igor Zyuzin from Russia66666.00
Crystal from United States66776.30
CF.Digital from Ukrainecf.digital97888.10
Vova Lukashov from Spainfacebook.com66886.60