The Seven Virtues Project
Honorable Mention - Feb 23, 2023
The Seven Virtues Project
A love letter to philosophy and virtue ethics. Based on the Seven Heavenly Virtues, this project explores virtuous living in the second millennium and how it applies to us and society.
Keep the focus in
these elements.
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Daniel Vaszka * from United Kingdomdanielvaszka.com78897.70
Ensoul from Italyensoul.it9101099.50
Alex Tkachev * from Kazakhstanalextkachev.com77777.00
Enrico Deiana * from Spainenricodeiana.design98898.50
ministry * from Polandministrydesign.agency78887.60
Charles * from Indonesiachrls.design88988.20
Erwan Le Roch * from Francedribbble.com77777.00
Web-Systems Solutions from Ukraineweb-systems.solutions10109109.80
Elizaveta Rypakova from Russiainstagram.com88888.00
Nam Hai * from Francetwitter.com88877.90
Lukas Horvath * from Slovakiaroelu.com88988.20
Tom Buizer * from Netherlandstombuizer.nl87887.70
baptistepoilane * from France98888.40
Berend van Druten * from Netherlandsberendvandruten.nl88888.00
Tomas Alegre * from Argentina981098.90