Third and Grove
Honorable Mention - Oct 24, 2019
Third and Grove
Taking a break from creating world-class experiences for those lucky clients of ours, we built the fastest little site this side of Monte Carlo.
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Votes (15/28)
Duall Studio from Portugalduallstudio.com77787.10
Jordan Gilroy from United Kingdomjordangilroy.com66676.10
Iquadart from Belarusiquadart.com88888.00
Gianluca Rinaldi from Italygianlucarinaldi.com77887.30
Quadnotion from Indiaquadnotion.com88787.80
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com77887.30
Vadim Khadakou from Lithuaniabitsens.com78777.30
Simon from Germany77666.70
Vijay Kumar Tg from India87777.40
kamil-dombrowski from Polanddombrowskikamil.pl66666.00
Artem Saienko from Ukraine77777.00
Eugen Shuklin from Ukrainethealpha.digital78787.40
Viktor Klimenko from Ukraine77887.30
vokhmianin from Panamavokhmianin.com76676.50
Denis Sizemov from Ukrainesizemov.com88667.40