Vity's Design Shop
Honorable Mention - Jul 24, 2017
Vity's Design Shop
From the incredible passion for Harley Davidson, takes shape my every single “iron”. From a deep and meticulous study of materials, shapes and color, arise my accessories.
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MONOGRID from Italymono-grid.com89898.40
Dingzhou Li from Chinadribbble.com65555.40
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com89998.60
Alessandro Soho from United Kingdom55555.00
laura-moss from United Kingdom58576.10
Simon from Germany77666.70
24 pixels from India88888.00
sveta-mylchenko from Ukraine77777.00
mark.espuerta from United States78787.40
Amarta Dey from Indiaamartadey.com78787.40
Igor Zyuzin from Russia75686.30
Arnaud Saunier from Francemarindessables.fr66666.00
Ingegni Multimediali from Italyingegnimultimediali.it77666.70
OrangeIdea from Russiathemeforest.net54544.60
gabrielaoviedo from Argentinaafricaestudio.com88767.60