YPI Yachts
Honorable Mention - Oct 6, 2017
YPI Yachts
MOF have helped put YPI at the forefront of its industry, delivering state of the art digital transformation in just over nine weeks from project concept to delivery.
This website has been created using...
Votes (15/57)
Laurent Canivet from Francelesanimals.digital78787.40
Marakasdesign from Ukrainemarakasdesign.com77787.10
Diffusion Digital from United Kingdomdiffusion.digital1010101010.00
Dingzhou Li from Chinadribbble.com65555.40
Jelvix from Estoniajelvix.com88888.00
Jorge Maiden from Spainbufa.es78787.40
Simon from Germany87787.50
sveta-mylchenko from Ukraine88777.70
Dejan Milicevic from Serbiasap.com87777.40
Igor Zyuzin from Russia77777.00
matchthemes from Australiamatchthemes.com78777.30
Arnaud Saunier from Francemarindessables.fr77777.00
Igor Andreev from Russiacoda.website78777.30
Junge Digitale from Austriajungedigitale.at88888.00
Ron E. from Polandrondesignlab.com78787.40