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Mar 17, 2020

Talk: Defining Brand Ideology with Bees & Honey Tokyo Founder Genki Imamura, at Awwwards Conference Tokyo

Talk: Defining Brand Ideology with Bees & Honey Tokyo Founder Genki Imamura, at Awwwards Conference Tokyo

Genki Imamura is Founder, Philosopher and Brand Designer at Bees & Honey, a Tokyo based brand design group that offers lifestyle brands radical product design and digital design improvements based on “IKI” - Japan's unique sense of beauty. In this talk Genki shares his recipe for brand making, how you can define your brand ideology though mixing emotion and logic, philosophy, psychology, anthropological theories and the golden circle, at Awwwards Conference Tokyo.

Once you define the ideology, it can increase the impact of the brand and can save you money and time

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