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Apr 21, 2017

Talk: How to get crowdfunding for your daft ideas - Mr.Bingo at Awwwards Conference London

Talk: How to get crowdfunding for your daft ideas - Mr.Bingo at Awwwards Conference London

Like a sweary ray of sunshine, Mr.Bingo took to the stage at Awwwards Conference London to enlighten us on how he persuades the public to fund his harebrained ideas! Mr.Bingo - Illustrator, rapper and author explains how to run a kickstarter, learn to rap, make a rap video and create unusual/imaginative rewards, whilst showcasing his original animations, illustrations, projects and products.

People are more willing than I thought to buy stupid things.

Be there for live inspirational talks and networking with the most exciting agencies across the world, get your tickets for Awwwards Conference LA today!

Live the experience! Watch the Awwwards London video here.