EDITED: The application process to join the Awwwards jury is closed, thanks for your participation!
As 2015 draws to a close, we face our most important task of the year. Building a crack team, made up of the greatest minds in the world of web, to judge the talent they see before them. The hunt for the Awwwards 2016 jury is on.
Art Directors, Freelancers, Programmers or Independent Designers, whatever your calling may be. Do you know what works when it comes to User Experience, Usability and Design? Do you want to be an influencer? Could you be trusted with the fate of #SOTM? Do you want to be part of something big? Then we want you for the elite Awwwards Jury 2016.
Judging the talent of others is an arduous task. We ask you to be considerate in your decisions, thorough in your analysis, understanding in your criticism, but not to flinch from giving your honest assessment.