The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month
The Creative Pass Watch all courses for just $12/month

May 7, 2014

The Site of the Month for April Goes To...

The Site of the Month for April Goes To...

In a landslide win, the Awwwards jury and community have decided to award the Site of the Month for April to the project developed by Werkstatt and CLM BBDO, CONGRATULATIONS! is a social network dedicated to memories. It encourages you to post a picture and to write a few words about what that picture means to you. Developed as a digital metaphor of the effects of Alzheimer's disease on the brain and on the memory, these visual memories will gradually fade and disappear if more memories are not created.

This conceptually fascinating, technologically advanced project uses OpenGL Shading for the animation in addition to other UI elements ensuring the smooth render of half a million particles with compelling effects in real time. 

Site of the Month

I remember, as winner of Site of the Month for April, receives a nomination for the Site of the Year 2014 competition, the results of which will be revealed during our 2nd annual conference which will take place in one of the following cities: London, Barcelona, or New York. Stay tuned to find out more in the upcoming weeks!

Site of the Month

This month we are giving away three fantastic graphic tees by Design By Humans. The lucky winners are:



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