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Jan 30, 2014

The Site of the Year Users' Choice award goes to...

The Site of the Year Users' Choice award goes to...

Awwwards users from all over the world have spoken - the winner of this year's Site of the Year Users' Choice is... 24 Hours of Happy! Huge congratulations to We are LA, Iconoclast Interactive and Anonymous!

Into the Arctic - Greenpeace, a project developed by Hello Monday came in second with 15% of the votes, and Square Space a close third with 11%. 24 Hours of Happy walked away with 17% of all the votes and an additional 3 points towards it's campaign to become the Site of the Year as voted for by our jury - we will discover the winner of that award and more on 13-14th February at the #LoveDays Conference and Prize-giving in Paris.

Site of the Year Users Choice24 Hours of Happy is without a doubt one of the most refreshing and revitalizing websites we have seen in a while. The project consists of an interactive music video for “Happy” which allows you to watch Pharrell Williams and his many, many friends dancing along to the song at all hours of the day!

Site of the Year Users Choice

This incredibly viral project draws you in - you can literally spend 24 hours discovering new characters and hilarious scenarios which accompany a song that we just don't get tired of hearing. It really does make us happy! Very soon, we will bring you, our Awwwards community, more of the technical details surrounding this great piece of web art.

And finally, here are the names of the lucky 20 winners of our book The Best 365 Websites around the World:

- Yoann Gueny
- Francesco Bonato
- Ivan Lebanov Jr.
- Max Rusan
- Jão de Almeida
- Kaho Best
- Wale Toolsman Adetula
- Karol Cicho?
- Sergio Sarnicola
- Timothy Derouin
- Magdalena Baranowska
- Ana Julia Fernández
- Christian Rebelsky
- Damir Peric
- Aurore De Souza Dias
- Sergio Ivan Lopez Monterrubio
- Nguy?n Thúy An
- Magda Arques
- Nestor Humberto Leal Utrera
- Roi Himan

We will contact you all via Facebook to get shipping information. Congratulations!