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Apr 15, 2014

The Ultimate Trends for UI Inspiration: Animated Concepts, Menus, SVG graphics and more

The Ultimate Trends for UI Inspiration: Animated Concepts, Menus, SVG graphics and more

We are back with an inspiring selection of User Interface elements such as music widgets, calendars, slideshows, and more. As per usual, there are many, many native app designs which stand out for their simplicity, and of course, we haven't forgotten web interfaces for desktop and responsive UI designs. Whilst the majority of our collection are real-life projects, some are simply concepts just waiting to be brought to life.

The criteria for our selection, right now, is purely visual but that's going to change, and soon. We are gradually jumping aboard the animated showcase bandwagon, so stay tuned, in the not too distant future the animation of these elements will be one of the most important criterion when selecting well-crafted interfaces.

  • Animated Concepts

    Animated concepts are without a doubt one of the most useful tools during the design process which help to communicate motion and interaction. Dribble designers are beginning to substitute their static showcases for these animated GIFs adding a 4th dimension to the design - animation. In order to illustrate this trend, we have selected a few examples which perfectly display transitions, menu animations, widgets, and other interface elements like gestures and user interactions.

Trends in UI Design

Throughout today's selection you can appreciate some longer-standing trends like flat colors and symbols, line icons, SVG graphics, geometric elements, off-canvas navigation patterns, and as we mentioned above, animated showcases. There is another element which we found rather curious; a cultural phenomena, perhaps, something which has been happening for a while now, it's the overwhelming masculine protagonism in advertizing. Day in, day out we come across SOTDs, especially where fashion pages are concerned, where the main design element centers on men. Let us know if this is something you have come across?