Thorne: The Frontier Within by Active Theory is the new Site of the Month for July 2019. Thanks for all votes and tweets, find the winner of the Pro Plan at the end of the article.
"The Frontier Within" is a web experience and immersive installation that captures the participant’s circulatory, respiratory and nervous system data, and transforms it into a living, breathing, interactive portrait of the body.
Working alongside Thorne, Marshmallow Laser Feast, Droga5 and Plan8, Active Theory created a single codebase that powered the interactive visuals and biometric story across the web experience and physical installation.
Vimeo Case study
More details and Technical Case Study
Discover what's behind the scenes of this web experience that transforms the human body in to an interactive portrait reading the Case Study at Active Theory's Medium.

Awwwards Pro Plan Winner
Cheers for all your votes and tweets, @johnnydekkers wins the Pro Plan, please DM us on Twitter to get your prize!